The Guide

If You're Injured

Steps to take if you’re injured at work

Seek proper medical attention
Call 911 if needed.
Call the Rapid Response Team at 210-912-6732
The scene of the accident will not be tampered with while you are receiving medical attention. The RRT will immediately send investigators to the scene of the accident to collect evidence. (i.e. photos, video, statements from witnesses.)
Don't be forced into signing any statement or incident report
This is especially true if you are under the influence of pain medication or narcotics.
Be aware of witnesses
Ask any witnesses to your accident to give you a statement.
Take pictures
Photograph any paperwork from the accidence that can help your case.

Managing Stress

Everyone experiences stress. It’s a normal reaction to a traumatic event, but relentless stress can drain your body and mind. Although it may be impossible to eliminate stress during a crisis, some techniques may help reduce it. These techniques may help victims and families sleep, regain energy and strength, and ultimately reduce blood pressure, depression, and irritability.


Body and Mental Relaxation

Positive thinking

Problem Solving

Anger control

Time management


Responsible assertiveness

Interpersonal relationships


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that may develop after a person experiences a life-threatening or horrifying situation, such asan unexpected death, severe injury, or a close call with death. PTSD victims are often unable to stop thinking about what happened to them. They may avoid people and places that remind them of the trauma or try to push all thoughts concerning the event out of their head.



Feeling hopeless about the future, numb, unconcerned about others

Having trouble concentrating (indecisiveness)

Jumpiness or startled easily by sudden noises (constantly alert)

Experiencing disturbing dreams, memories, or flashbacks

Problems at work or school

Those who suffer from depression feel down or sad most of the time, and often lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. Having low energy, feeling tired, hopeless, or desperate are common symptoms. A depressed person may think about hurting or killing themselves.

Trauma can prompt a depressed person to think about hurting or killing themselves. fI you know a person that is having suicidal thoughts and feel you are unable to stop them, you should immediately contact a counselor or call 911. Remember, communication is key.

Often people take too much responsibility for something that happens, what they did or didn’t do,or they feel guilt for surviving an accident when others didn’t. They May be unnecessarily overly critical of them- selves following a trauma.

After a trauma, people often feel that the situation was unfair and are unable to comprehend why the event happened or why it happened to them.This can cause feelings of frustration and anger. While anger is a natural and healthy emotion, intense anger and excessive aggressive behavior can cause serious problems.

Drinking and drug use is a common but inappropriate way people cope with trauma. This may be a quick fix, but it can lead to other problems. Alcohol and drug use provides temporary numbness, but no solutions.


  • Trouble sleeping
  • Exhaustion
  • Increased heart rate or breathing
  • Headache
  • Cold sweats
  • Failure to engage in exercise, diet, safe sex, regular health care
  • Excessive Smoking, eating, drinking, using drugs
  • Worsening of current medical problems


  • Feeling nervous, helpless, fearful, sad
  • Unable to experience love or joy
  • Avoiding people, places, and other things related to the event
  • Loss of intimacy or feeling detached
  • Irritability
  • Withdrawal, feeling rejected or abandoned
  • Distrust of others
  • Self blame


When looking for a therapist, ask family and friends if they can recommend someone who has expertise in trauma treatment. You can also:

Contact your family physician for a recommendation

Call your local state psychological association

If you work for a large organization, contact human resources to find out if they provide mental-health services or make referrals



Shock and Denial: “No, it can’t be true!”- Often people need to use this phrase to cushion the pain of the loss. It is accompanied by numbness, disbelief, and feelings of surrealism. Except for a rare few, people do not need to be confronted and will come out of the denial phase by themselves.

Anger: “Why me? Why him/her?” – This anger may be directed at the person who died, an event, or other people. It is important to let the grievers experience their anger without being critical or judging whether the anger is appropriate.

Bargaining: “Yes, it’s true, but..” – This Is the beginning of acceptance. The need here is to let mourners come to peace with the person who passed away or others. On their own, they will decide when they are ready to cope with the loss.

Depression: “Yes, it has happened to me.” – The mourning process is being worked through in this phase. The mourners begin to separate emotionally, and may accept offerings of support. Usually, the grievers reject offers of reassurances.

Acceptance: This is not resignation, but acceptance of the realities and the need to pick up the pieces and move forward.

Coping: It is important to learn how to cope since recovery is an ongoing process. Recovery doesn’t mean forgetting tough experiences, but the ability to effectively manage trauma-related memories, reactions, and emotions. Recognizing and accepting the impact of traumatic situations, and taking action to improve things creates a sense of personal power and control.



Negative coping actions increase problems. These are short-term solutions that will later become detrimental and hard to change. They include isolation, workaholism, violent behavior, unhealthy eating, alcohol/drug use, and the most detrimental action: avoidance. Some people with PTSD try to cope with their distress in ways that lead to more problems.

Avoiding the problem may help control distress, but it will prevent the survivor from learning how to cope with the trauma in a positive way.



When survivors learn to recognize what upsets them, they are in a better position to cope with PTSD. Understanding that PTSD is common and knowing that many others are going through the same thing shows survivors that they are not alone or weak.

With support from others, survivors may feel less alone and more understood. They may receive concrete help for a particular problem. Survivors must carefully choose the people who will support them and clearly ask for what they need. A support group may lessen the feeling of isolation and reinforcement, but it might be better to talk to your doctor about your trauma and PTSD. Doctors will be better able to care for your physical health and might refer you to specialized help.

Practicing daily breathing exercises, stretching, yoga, meditation, swimming, jogging, spending time outdoors, or listening to quiet music can help reduce negative thoughts, feelings, and/or perceptions. At first, trying to relax might initially increase distress by focusing on disturbing sensations or reducing contact from external forces, but continuing with relaxation techniques in a way that is tolerable should help reduce negative coping actions.

Positive work and recreational activities help to distract a person from their memories. While it’s not a long-term solution, it is effective as a first step or short-term remedy.

If PTSD symptoms start to worsen, and coping docsill seem to help, it is important to contact a counselor. A counselor will help with the coping process and, if necessary, refer you to a doctor for prescription medication (which can help with sleep, decrease anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, and urges to drink or take drugs).


Education: When survivors learn to recognize what upsets them, they are in a better position to cope with PTSD. Understanding that PTSD is common and knowing that many others are going through the same thing shows survivors that they are not alone or weak.

Talk to someone: With support from others, survivors may feel less alone and more understood. They may receive concrete help for a particular problem. Survivors must carefully choose the people who will support them and clearly ask for what they need. A support group may lessen the feeling of isolation and reinforcement, but it might be better to talk to your doctor about your trauma and PTSD. Doctors will be better able to care for your physical health and might refer you to specialized help.

Practice relaxation methods: Practicing daily breathing exercises, stretching, yoga, meditation, swimming, jogging, spending time outdoors, or listening to quiet music can help reduce negative thoughts, feelings, and/or perceptions. At first, trying to relax might initially increase distress by focusing on disturbing sensations or reducing contact from external forces, but continuing with relaxation techniques in a way that is tolerable should help reduce negative coping actions.
Increase positive distracting activities
Positive work and recreational activities help to distract a person from their memories. While it’s not a long-term solution, it is effective as a first step or short-term remedy.

Contact a counselor:  If PTSD symptoms start to worsen, and coping docsill seem to help, it is important to contact a counselor. A counselor will help with the coping process and, if necessary, refer you to a doctor for prescription medication (which can help with sleep, decrease anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, and urges to drink or take drugs).


Call for treatment or join a PTSD group – Taking the first step can be difficult, especially if the victim feels that nothing will help, but taking positive action creates a feeling of great relief.

Increase contact with other survivors of trauma. The best source of understanding and support are other survivors of trauma. By sharing your story and talking about your trauma,i t will help reverse the process of isolation and half you open up with others.

Reinvest in personal relationships with family and friends- Making an effort to reestablish an important relationship can help reconnect with others.

Start an exercise routine and volunteer in the community – Exercise in moderation may distract those with PTSD from negative reactions and will help increase self-esteem. It’s also important for survivors to reconnect with the community. It may help reverse feelings of hopelessness and negativity.


Dealing with Traumatic Stress



Remind yourself that memories of the traumatic event are just memories. Remind yourself that it is natural to have some memories of the event. It’s important to talk about them with someone you trust and remind yourself that they will lessen with time. Be sure to focus on your breathing and take slow, deep breathes when you are trying to calm down.

As you inhale, slowly count to four, them exhale while counting to four. Repeat.



Remind yourself where you are and that you are in the present, while the trauma happened in the past. Remind yourself that this is a common reaction. It’s a good idea to talk to someone you trust about what is happening and to talk with your doctor or counselor about the flashback.

If you awaken from a dream in panic, remind yourself that you are just reacting to a dream and that you are not in any real danger.

  • Get out of bed to reorient yourself
  • Engage in a calming activity (ie. drink a cup of tea)
  • Talk to someone if possible
  • Tell your doctor
  • Keep a regular sleep schedule
  • Don’t exercise heavily before going to bed
  • Avoid using your sleeping area for anything other than sleep
  • Avoid using alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine
  • Don’t lie in bed worrying, instead, get up and do something pleasant
  • Take a time out to cool off
  • Exercise regularly
  • Remind yourself that staying angry increases your distress
  • Consider taking anger management classes
  • If you end up getting very angry with someone, find time as soon as you can to apologize and let them know what you are doing to cope
  • Difficulty concentrating
  •  Slow down
  • Give yourself time to focus
  • Write things down
  • Break tasks up into simple chunks
  • Determine with a doctor or counselor whether this is a sign of depression

Lifestyle Balance

Physical self-care

  • Remind yourself that a healthy mind is a healthy body
  • Exercise and eat healthy foods
  • Seek regular medical attention when needed (and for prevention)
  • Take vacations, day-trips, or mini-vacations
  • Take time away from your phone
  • Spend time in nature

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.

Psychological self-care

  • Make time for self-reflection
  • Write daily in a journal (one positive thing that happened to you that day)
  • Try something new
  • Notice your inner thoughts and try to have mostly positive thoughts
  • Meditate or find something that helps you relax


Emotional self-care

  • Spend time with people you care about
  • Make time for yourself and do things you enjoy
  • Give yourself positive affirmations